Elder care often becomes necessary when the elder starts experiencing difficulty with activities of daily living, both independently and safely. Because every person’s needs and lifestyle are different, the elder care team will build a custom plan of care specifically based on the goals and requirements of the senior receiving care.

Our qualified nurses team is trained for the transition from hospital to home and is there every step of the way. Ensure that post discharge, your loved ones get the best home health care that is personalized to their individual needs and competently delivered in the comfort of your home.

We realize that living with or caring for an individual with a chronic condition can be overwhelming. For that reason Zanzibar Home Nursing care is committed to easing the stress of symptoms from chronic conditions as well as caring for someone with a chronic or degenerative disorder. Caregivers develop specific skills to care for individuals whose condition may require assistance with daily life activities, ensuring the proper health care.

From establishing a healthy lifestyle to managing blood sugar and insulin levels, the nurses will provide support, education, and assistance to diabetic patients and their families.

Nurses will provide temporary and ongoing care so that your loved ones will remains safe and comfortable at home. From assisting with daily activities to ensuring support during nausea, anemia, pain, infection, and other complications, cancer caregivers mitigates stress and makes clients as comfortable as possible.

You need to check your blood pressure, heart and respiratory rate, temperature? Or you need to check your body weight or your diuresis? We can do all this measurement by coming comfortably to your home.
